Betting House Games – Blackjack
February 5th, 2010 by Annabella

Whether you’re a brand-new to casino betting or a gambling veteran, twenty-one is 1 of the simplest and most exciting card games casinos have to offer. The goal in vingt-et-un is to beat the croupier by acquiring a hand as near to 21 as possible and not going over. To play black jack, you just need a basic understanding of the game rules and a desire to experience excitement.

So how do you reach 21? In twenty-one, the cards have values. Numbered cards 2 up to 10 are valued at the number printed on the card, while every face cards (King, Queen and Jack) are worth ten points. The ace card is a special card in twenty-one: you decide whether it is worth 1 or 11 points. Since casino players are dealt two cards to begin, if you are given an ace and a 10 valued card,you have twenty-one-an instant success, as long as the dealer does not get twenty one at the same time. This twocard winning hand is called a "black jack"; hence the name of the game!

Casino game rules for chemin de fer are basically identical at all betting houses. After you are dealt your initial 2 cards, your possibilities are to hit, hold, double down, split, or sometimes bow out.

When you bet on chemin de fer at a casino, make certain to know which game table to select. Most betting houses have colour coded twenty-one tables coinciding with the min. bet the table accepts, typically 3 dollars, five dollars, 25 dollars or 100 dollars. In any betting house, it’s a given the $3 and $5 tables will be bursting, but they’re excellent for amateurs at casino games because all of the cards are dealt face-up, as opposed to the 1up, 1down method at higher tables. So the next instanceor the initial instanceyou goto a casino, be sure to visit the chemin de fer tables and target for twenty one!

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